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Vladimir Borovikovsky 006 - Public domain portrait painting


Vladimir Borovikovsky 006 - Public domain portrait painting



Ольга Кузьминична Филиппова (1772-1829), жена П.С. Филиппова, близкого друга и душеприказчика В.Л. Боровиковского. П.С. Филиппов, украинец по национальности, в юности служил вахмистром в Молдавском гусарском полку, а в 1787 был определен студентом в учительскую семинарию, которую окончил в 1789, получив диплом учителя. В 1790 он женился на О.К. Михайловой, а в 1800 зачислен в Комиссию о построении Казанского собора в Петербурге помощником архитектора; исполнял секретарские функции при А.Н. Воронихине. Профессиональным архитектором он не был, в год написания Боровиковским портрета О.К. Филипповой служил учителем в Петербурге.

Vladimir Lukich Borovikovsky (1757-1825) was a prominent Russian painter, known for his portraits and historical scenes. He was born in Ukraine but spent most of his life in St Petersburg, Russia. Borovikovsky studied at the Imperial Academy of Arts in St Petersburg and later became a member of the Academy. His portraits are notable for their elegance, attention to detail and ability to capture the personality of the sitter. Borovikovsky was particularly adept at depicting the clothing and accessories of his sitters, who were often members of the Russian aristocracy and royalty. In addition to portraits, Borovikovsky also painted religious and historical scenes, although his portraits remain his most famous works.





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