Planet Earth
Parasurama1790s - Public domain  engraving


Parasurama1790s - Public domain engraving



"The Bamun Avatar, representing the magnificent Bali Orbelus giving away the arrogated Empire of the World, to the disguised Vishnu," a copper engraving, 1790's, probably based on Valentijn 1726
Source: ebay, Dec. 2005
More copper engravings from the same series, apparently from an English translation of Valentijn's Dutch work "Zaaken van den Godsdienst," 1726:

The Matsya avatar, or first incarnation of Veeshnu in the form of a fish to recover sacred books lost during the deluge*
The Vara avatar or second incarnation of Veeshnu in the form of a boar to support upon his tusks the Earth, immersed in the waters of the deluge*
The Courma avatar, or third incarnation of Veeshnu in the form of a tortoise to sustain the Earth convulsed by the assaults of demons during the deluge*
The sixth avatar or Veeshnu incarnate in Parasa Rama, the exterminator of the Khettri tribe*
The seventh avatar or Veeshnu incarnate in Ramachandra combating with the ten-headed Ravan, the gigantic tyrant of Ceylone*
Buddha or the ninth avatar, incarnate for the purpose of abolishing sanguinary sacrifices*
The Calci or 10th avatar, an evident allusion to the destroying angel and white horse of the Apocalypse*
Creeshna trampling on the head of the crushed serpent*





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english translation of zaaken van den godsdienst
english translation of zaaken van den godsdienst