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Manichaean Bema Scene - Public domain illuminated manuscript


Manichaean Bema Scene - Public domain illuminated manuscript



Description 1: Manichaean ritual before an alter, from Turpan Manichaean Illuminated Codex. Museum für Indische Kunst (Berlin), MIK III 4979 verso. Description 2: Bema Scene, full-page book painting shown from picture-viewing direction (H: 12.4 cm, W: 25.2 cm). Fragment of a Turpan Manichaean Illuminated Codex; SMPK, Museum für Indische Kunst (Berlin), MIK III 4979 verso.
中文(繁體):高昌α遺址出土「庇麻節圖」,現藏柏林印度藝術博物館(編號 MIK III 4979)。庇麻節是摩尼教最重大的宗教節日,是為紀念摩尼囚禁和去世所設立的。這個節日在每年的春天擧行,一直延續到月底。期間教團會組織教徒聚集在一起吟唱讚美詩,在30日那天還要擧行庇麻慶典,屆時教徒們會在講壇上放置一張空的寶座,並掛一張摩尼的畫像。而「庇麻」一詞本意就指「寶座」。畫面的最上方虛設一個寶座,象徵逝去的摩尼。寶座的左右兩側坐著教團的重要成員,按等級高低依次排列。摩尼教有嚴格的教階制度,自上而下分為五個等級:法師(master)、主教(episcopus)、長老(presbyter)、選民(electi)、聽者(auditores)。寶座左側的一位摩尼教高僧,鬚髮皆白,左手擧起,右手持杯。寶座正前坐著一排年長的僧侶,最上方一位手捧一部鑲金的典籍,他面前擺放一張鮮紅描金的案几,其上置滿日月狀的白色糕點;案几旁邊可見一隻三足金盤,裡面盛有晶瑩的水果、甜瓜、葡萄,這是摩尼教徒最喜愛的食物。僧侶的法衣上多用摩尼文寫著他們自己的名字。庇麻節是摩尼教一年中最隆重的節日,在慶典上他們要吟誦讚美詩、祈禱文,紀念摩尼殉難、祈禱摩尼再次降臨和末日審判。——改編自《吐魯番的摩尼教遺存》,文/馬健

Manichaeism was a religious movement founded by the prophet Mani in the 3rd century AD. It was a syncretic religion, drawing on elements of Zoroastrianism, Christianity and Buddhism. Manichaeism taught a dualistic cosmology, with a belief in a constant struggle between good and evil, light and darkness. Followers of Manichaeism believed in the existence of two opposing forces: the realm of light, associated with goodness and spirituality, and the realm of darkness, associated with evil and materiality. They also adhered to strict ethical guidelines and practised asceticism. Manichaeism spread widely throughout the ancient world, from the Mediterranean to China, and attracted a significant number of followers. However, it was eventually suppressed by various ruling powers, including the Roman Empire and the Sassanid Empire, and its influence declined over time. Today, Manichaeism is considered an extinct religion, but its influence can still be seen in various religious and philosophical traditions.



1300 - 1800


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leaf from a manichaean book mik iii 4979
leaf from a manichaean book mik iii 4979